Obchodné právo pre firmy

Commercial law for businesses

We provide businesses with a comprehensive legal agenda.

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Pracovné právo pre zamestnávateľov aj zamestnancov

Labour law for employers and employees

Our goal is to protect the employers' rights and eligible interests and…

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Občianske právo - nehnuteľností, rodinné právo

Civil law – real estate, family law

Proprietary relations and relevant personal relations.

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Register partnerov verejného sektora

Register of Public Sector Partners

Overview of public sector partners’ data stipulated by law.

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Advokátska kancelária
Olšavský legal

Who are we?

The law firm Olšavský Legal is one of the reliable partners in the field of law present all over Slovakia and abroad. Our clients are provided with comprehensive legal services in all the major areas starting from the private and ending with the professional ones. JUDr. Emanuel Olšavský, LL.M.

And what do our clients say about us?

Clients’ opinions

  • Dlho som hľadal advokátsku kanceláriu, ktorá by sa môjmu problému venovala s takým nasadením ako pán Olšavský.

    Vladimír Polák

Socha – Olšavský Legal